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Pass .each loop reference object in Ruby on Rails

I am writing a code in ruby on rails where I am creating dynamic rows in table which involves a .each loop. I want to pass the .each loop reference object but it gives me an error.

Following is the code:

<% pworkflows.workflow_executions_list.each do |wf| %>
    <td><%= wf.execution_status %></td>
      <% if(wf.start_timestamp != nil) %>
        <%= wf.start_timestamp.localtime; %> UTC
      <% end %>
    <td><%= wf.close_status %></td>
    <td><%= wf.execution.run_id %></td>
    <td><%= button_to "Details",{ :controller => "pages", :action => "mainpage",:rulesetinstance=>rInsId, :ndetails=>wf} %></td>
<% end %>

:ndetails=>wf gives an error. wf is not being recognized as a correct syntax to send. Please suggest a way.

the error being:

undefined local variable or method `id' for #<ComRuleManagement::WorkflowExecutionObject:0x00003da1751528>

When you do this

<%= button_to "Details",{ :controller => "pages", :action => "mainpage",:rulesetinstance=>rInsId, :ndetails=>wf} %>

you are building an html tag. (since button_to is an html helper). The extra options you pass through, in this instance ":rulesetinstance" and ":ndetails" will be used to make extra attributes in the element, like rulesetinstance="123" . However, if you pass the wf object through, then rails will call to_s on it, and you'll end up with something that looks like this ndetails="#<Wf:0x7f518dfc6e68>" . This is almost certainly not what you want in your html element. Should you be calling another method of the wf object instead?

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