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Adding new cookies with Mechanize Python

I am trying to add cookies to a browser in mechanize so I am not redirected to a click ok to agree page.

I have looked but can figure out how to do this.

I can do it using urllib2 already but wish to do it with mechanize

import urllib2

opener = urllib2.build_opener()


u = opener.open("https://www.transactionservices.dla.mil/daasinq/dodaac.asp")

How do I add that cookie string in mechanize? Thanks in advance

By using cookielib and Cookie built-in libraries to set cookies and append them to your mechanize session.

import Cookie
import cookielib
cookiejar =cookielib.LWPCookieJar()

br = mechanize.Browser()

AND Also, you can still add headers to your mechanize session:

br.addheaders = [('Cookie','cookiename=cookie value')]

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