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C# WinForms: populating datagridview with datasource from two different tables

When I have to populate a dgv with only 1 table it's ok, I know how to do it (List< Entity > coming from database to datasource). But when I have a table that has a FK with another one, I don't know how to show another property of that table (and not the ID, that the user wont understand). I think what I've done with LINQ is really bad (BTW I'm new to LINQ, I don't know if I need it, at least here). The problem with my solution comes when I try to get the selected ID from the DGV.

private void LoadDGV()
        BuildingLogic oBuildingLogic;
            oBuildingLogic = new BuildingLogic();
            SocietyLogic oSocietyLogic = new SocietyLogic();
            List<Building> listBuildings = oBuildingLogic.GetAll();
            List<Society> listSocieties = oSocietyLogic.GetAll();

            this.dgvBuildings.DataSource = (from building in listBuildings
                                            join society in listSocieties
                                            on building.IDSociety equals society.ID
                                            select new { building.ID, FullName = building.FullName, ShortName = building.ShortName, Society = society.Name, Date = building.Date, City = building.City, Address = building.Adress }).ToList();
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            oBuildingLogic = null;

    private int ItemSelectedID()
        if (this.dgvBuildings.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
            //something like this?
            return 0;
return Convert.ToInt32(this.dgvBuildings.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value);

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