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Effectively using association population in SailsJS

Association auto population is sexy during the early stages of the app development. Soon as the related models result in high number of associated records the api calls get a drastic performance hit. SailsJS provides a way to toggle this globally.

module.exports.blueprints.populate = true / false;

Ideal application would be to disable this option globally and load the related models on demand , is this possible ( Base use case would be how Laravel does things with Eager loading http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/eloquent#eager-loading ).

You should be able to override the blueprint configuration per controller #/disabling-blueprints-on-a-per-controller-basis

You may also override any of the settings from config/blueprints.js on a per-controller basis by defining a '_config' key in your controller defintion, and assigning it a configuration object with overrides for the settings in this file.

Try this in the controller where you want to activate populate:

module.exports = {
  _config: {
    populate: true

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