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Multi-dimensional array indexing

working on an algorithm to deal 6 cards from a standard deck and compare the deals combinations to a target prime.The code bugs up due to the indexing of the Permutation array "Result".Any suggestions?

import random


for i in range(0,6):
Result = [[0 for x in range(3)] for x in range(256)] 

Result[0][0]= deal[0]+deal[1]
Result[0][1]= deal[0]-deal[1]
Result[0][2]= deal[0]*deal[1]
Result[0][3]= deal[0]/deal[1]

for i in range(2,5):
    for j in range(2^(2*j),256):
                   Result[0][j]= Result[0][j]+deal[i]
                   Result[1][j]= Result[0][j]-deal[i]
                   Result[2][j]= Result[0][j]*deal[i]
                   Result[3][j]= Result[0][j]/deal[i]

The error message is : Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/xxx/Desktop/Dealhit.py", line 16, in Result[0][3]= deal[0]/deal[1]

IndexError: list index out of range. Which creats a [4x1024] array of mostly empty values.

for j in range(len(Result-1)):

Should be

for j in range(len(result)-1):

Otherwise (result - 1) will be exucuted before len(result) . Resulting in TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'int'

Because i is in range(5) , i can take the value 4, which, added to 2, gives 6, which is out of the bounds of deal .

I would recommend replacing



range(len(deal) - 2)

You'll have another problem after that, when you try to assign Result[1][j] , because Result contains only one element. You need to either create a full 2d matrix of the size you need, or append items dynamically.

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