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Detecting cycle in an undirected graph using iterative DFS?

So, I implemented the DFS in an iterative manner by the following method:

void dfsiter (graph * mygraph, int foo, bool arr[])
    stack <int> mystack;
    while (mystack.empty() == false)
        int k = mystack.top();
        if (arr[k] == false)
            arr[k] = true;
            auto it = mygraph->edges[k].begin();
            while (it != mygraph->edges[k].end())
                if (arr[*it] == false)


The above code works completely fine. Now, I want to detect cycles in an undirected graph using the above code (Iterative DFS). Now, I read that, If an unexplored edge leads to a node visited before, then the graph contains a cycle. Therefore, I just want to ask you, how do I exactly keep track of all this?

I have taken my graph to be like this:

class graph
    int vertices;
    vector < vector<int> > edges;

Should I change the above to:

class graph
    int vertices;
    vector < vector<pair<int,bool> > edges;

Where the bool for each edge will be marked true? And what changes will I need to do in the above code for DFS for detecting the cycle? I tried but I couldn't really think of a way of doing it. Thanks!

You can store a "father" node f in DFS tree for each vertex v , ie the vertex from which DFS came to the vertex v . It can be stored in the stack for example. In this case you store pairs in stack, first value is the vertex v and the second one is its father f .

An undirected graph has a cycle if and only if you meet an edge vw going to already visited vertex w , which is not the father of v .

You can see the modified and cleaned code below.

bool hascycle (graph * mygraph, int start, bool visited[])
    stack <pair<int, int> > mystack;
    mystack.push(make_pair(start, -1));
    visited[start] = true;

    while (!mystack.empty())
        int v = mystack.top().first;
        int f = mystack.top().second;

        const auto &edges = mygraph->edges[v];
        for (auto it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); it++)
            int w = *it;
            if (!visited[w])
                mystack.push(make_pair(w, v));
                visited[w] = true;
            else if (w != f)
                return true;
    return false;

Note: if the graph is disconnected, then you must start DFS from several vertices, ensuring that the whole graph is visited. It can be done in O(V + E) total time.

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