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Cannot cast from source type to destination type Json

I'm retrieving a json file from my server and then using Json to deserialize the content. How ever I keep receiving this error:

Cannot cast from source type to destination type

I was following the steps of the Minijson script but yet this error still comes up. Some help would be appreciated.

 void Start () {

     //creating url
     image1Request = new WWW("http://development.someurl.com/MoreGames/MoreGames.json");

 IEnumerator ImageOne(WWW www)
     //wait until url is loaded
     yield return www;
     //load image into texture slot
     if (www.error == null)
         //assigning URLS
         var dict = Json.Deserialize(www.text) as Dictionary<string,object>;
         Debug.Log("deserialized: " + dict.GetType());
         Debug.Log("dict['string']: " + (string)dict["widget"]);


         Debug.Log("WWW Error: " + www.error);

Instead of using

var dict = Json.Deserialize(www.text) as Dictionary<string,object>;

I would suggest you to use the following code snippet

var dict = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary<string, object> dictObject =(Dictionary<string,object>)jsSerializer.DeserializeObject(www.text);

Your Dictionary's value type is object . You are trying to cast an object type to string . It should be corrected to :


I'm not sure what you are trying to log there, but if it is the widget object's name it should go like this :

Debug.Log("dict['string']: " + ((object)dict["widget"]).ToString());

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