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Detect if Dropdown has been changed by Javascript function

I have a Javascript function that auto-populates form fields based on an available list of addresses. If a User selects an option that is a country other than the US, we are not going to require Zip Code / State fields in our form that gets populated (all "required" validation is handled through "data-required=true"). The form is dynamically generated, so I cannot use the .change() method that some people are suggesting.

I have a "Change" listener setup to remove the "data-required" attribute, which works if they click the Country dropdown and select a different country. However, it does not work when the Javascript function changes that same dropdown.

jQuery( document ).ready(function() {

    jQuery('body').on('change','#coHCOUN',function() {
        if(jQuery(this).val() == 'US') {
        } else {

The function that grabs hidden form values when selecting an address, and applies them to the form. This is older code written in vanilla javascript, not jQuery:

function SetShipTo(CIPID) {
    document.getElementById("coHNAME").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HNAME").value;
    document.getElementById("coHATN").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HATN").value;
    document.getElementById("coHAD1").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HAD1").value;
    document.getElementById("coHAD2").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HAD2").value;
    document.getElementById("coHAD3").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HAD3").value;
    document.getElementById("coHSTE").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HSTE").value;
    document.getElementById("coHPOST").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HPOST").value;
    document.getElementById("coHCOUN").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HCOUN").value;
    document.getElementById("coHVIA").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HVIA").value;
    document.getElementById("coHSHPR").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "HSHPR").value;
    document.getElementById("coCIPLOC").value=document.getElementById("vSHIPTO" + CIPID + "CIPLOC").value;

Is there another event listener I can add to detect if a value changes from a javascript function? I do not want to add extra code to the auto-populate function if possible



If the javascript that is setting the dropdown (I'm assuming it's a select tag) is using jQuery you could use hooks to force the change event to trigger when $('#select').val('option') is called. That way you don't need to modify the code that is changing the dropdown, which might be in a library.

Something like this:

$.valHooks.select = {
  get: function(elem) {
    return $(elem).val();
  set: function(elem, value) {

It's possible that the value change might not have registered by the time the event triggers so the trigger may need to go in a setTimeout. You might be able to omit the get function, I'm not sure.

I think you have to point the on change listener to the dropdown element:

        if(jQuery(this).val() == 'US') {
        } else {


may this link be helpful http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/event_change.asp

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