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Effect of single hash in object-like macro

Is # permitted in an object-like macro, and if so, what happens?

The C standard only defines the behaviour of # in a macro for function-like macros.

Sample code:

#include <stdio.h>

#define A X#Y
#define B(X) #X
#define C(X) B(X)

int main()
    printf(C(A) "\n");

gcc outputs X#Y , suggesting that it permits # to be present and performs no special processing. However, since the definition of the # operator does not define the behaviour in this case, is it actually undefined behaviour?

As you noticed, # only has a defined effect in function-like macros. § (all references to the standard are to the C11 draft ( N1570 )). To see what happens in object-like macros, we must look elsewhere.

A preprocessing directive of the form

 # define identifier replacement-list new-line 

defines an object-like macro that causes each subsequent instance of the macro name to be replaced by the replacement list of preprocessing tokens that constitute the remainder of the directive. [...]

§ 6.10.3/9

Therefore, the only question is whether # is allowed in a replacement-list . If so, it takes part in replacement as usual.

We find the syntax in § 6.10/1 :

    pp-tokens (opt.)

    pp-tokens preprocessing-token

Now, is # a valid preprocessing-token ? § 6.4/1 says:

    each non-white-space character that cannot be one of the above

It's certainly not a header-name ( § 6.4.7/1 ), it's not allowed in identifier tokens ( § ), nor is it a pp-number (which is basically any number in an allowed format, § 6.4.8/1 ), nor a character-constant (such as u'c' , § ) or a string-literal (exactly what you'd expect, eg L"String" , § 6.4.5/1 ).

However, it is listed as a punctuator in § 6.4.6/1 . Therefore, it is allowed in the replacement-list of an object-like macro and will be copied verbatim. It is now subject to rescanning as described in § . Let us look at your example:

C(A) will be replaced with C(X#Y) . # has no special effect here, because it is not in the replacement-list of C , but its argument. C(X#Y) is obviously turned into B(X#Y) . Then B 's argument is turned into a string literal via the # operator in B 's replacement-list , yielding "X#Y"

Therefore, you don't have undefined behavior.

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