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In swift iOS 8 when a cell is clicked, how do I get it to open another view controller?

I'm fairly new to swift programming, and been trying for hours . Any help is well appreciated.

Just override: didSelectRowAtIndexPath

override func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, didSelectRowAtIndexPath path: NSIndexPath!) {
    let secondViewController = 
        as SecondViewController
    self.navigationController.pushViewController(secondViewController, animated: true)

To expand on @Epic Defeater's comment, if your table view controller and the destination view controller is in the same storyboard, control-drag from the table cell to the destination view controller. This is a segue, and it does what @Klevison Matias's code does, but with less involvement from you.

The segue needs a unique identifier, and in your table view controller, you must implement prepareForSegue:sender: .

You need to create an instance of the View Controller that you want to open and then transition to that view controller - presumably, by 'pushing' that View Controller onto the navigation stack (navigation controller).

For example...

let nextViewController: MyViewController = MyViewController()
self.navigationController.pushViewController(nextViewController, animated:true)


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