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Read the specific attribute in the json file using python

I'm writing code to convert a json model to SQLite using python. Here is the sample json file:

        "name": "PrimaryKey",
        "type": "SQLPK",
        "fields": [
        "name": "ForeignKeyOne",
        "type": "SQLFK",
        "fields": [

with the below code I'm able to read the foreign key constraints. But I'm struggling to read the "reference" under the SQLFK.

if constraint["name"] ==  "ForeignKeyOne":
    for field in constraint["fields"]:

Please help me on how to read the content "reference".


You're missing a level of attribute (reference). How about:

if constraint["name"] ==  "ForeignKeyOne":
    for field in constraint["reference"]:
        if field == 'fields':
            for x in constraint["reference"][field]:
                print x

x would contain {'name':'Code'}

That's pretty static, meaning you assume the json structure you have is pretty much the same as above.

The "reference" points to a dict. Iterating over a dict yields dict's keys. So in your for reference in constraint["reference"] loop, reference will first yield the string "entityName" then the string "fields" . You obviously understand that "somestring"["another_string"] makes no sense, since strings are index-based (integers).

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