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PyMC throwing Error or Crashing When Trying to Sample

I'm trying to model a process where the number of trials n used in a binomial process is generated by a non-homogeneous Poisson process. I'm currently using PyMC to fit the Poisson part of this (example here , without the whole capping part), but I can't figure out how to integrate this with the Binomial. How can I take what I've generated with the Poisson process and use it in fitting a Binomial process? Or is there a better way to do this using similar methods?

Here's what I've tried:

import pymc as pm
import numpy as np

t = np.arange(5)

a = pm.Uniform(name='a', value=1., lower=0, upper=10)
b = pm.Uniform(name='b', value=1., lower=0, upper=10)

def linear(a=a, b=b):
    return a * t + b

N_A = pm.Poisson(mu=linear, name='N_A')
C = pm.Beta('C', 1, 1)
obs_A = pm.Binomial('obs_A', N_A, C, observed=True, value=np.array([0,1,4,3,7])

mcmc = pm.MCMC([obs_A, C, N_A, a, b])

When I try to pull a sample, it throws the error

pymc.Node.ZeroProbability: Stochastic obs_A's value is outside its support, or it forbids its parents' current values.

I'm sure I'm formulating this incorrectly, but I'm not sure how.

The error appears because the automatically generated initial value of N_A (the number of trials) is less than some of the observed values specified in pm.Binomial , ie the probability of observing such a number is zero, and the initial value has to be rejected. One solution would be to supply an acceptable initial value for N_A explicitly:

x = np.array([0,1,4,3,7])
N_A = pm.Poisson(mu=linear, name='N_A', value=x)

For reference: https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc/issues/12 :

This is a model mis-specification issue, not a bug. It means that the initial parameter value for the likelhood are incompatible with the data -- you need to specify compatible initial values.

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