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bitmap.compress from Uri resulting in OutOfMemoryError

I am trying to save a bitmap which user selects into my own App path.

Unfortunately, with very big images I get OutOfMemoryError error.

I am using the following code:

private String loadImage (Uri filePath) {
    File fOut = new File(getFilesDir(),"own.jpg");

    inStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(filePath);
    selectedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inStream);

    selectedImage.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, new FileOutputStream(fOut));

Is there any way for me to save any image file of any size for an Uri to a file?

*I am not in a position to resize the image eg by using calculateInSampleSize method.

Is there any way for me to save any image file of any size for an Uri to a file?

Since it already is an image, just copy the bytes from the InputStream to the OutputStream :

private void copyInputStreamToFile( InputStream in, File file ) {
    try {
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
        byte[] buf = new byte[8192];
        int len;


    } catch (Exception e) {

(adapted from this SO answer )

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