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How to write a text in the pdf file using itext at a given position using java

Im using PdfTemplate.createTemplate with following code,

 Document document = new Document();
 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("C:\\Report.pdf"));     
 document.add(new Paragraph("A Hello World PDF new TEXT document."));
 PdfContentByte contentByte = writer.getDirectContent();    
 PdfTemplate template = contentByte.createTemplate(50,50);
 BaseFont bf=BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA,BaseFont.CP1252,BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
 template.showText("Text at the position 100,100 (relative to the template!)");
 contentByte.addTemplate(template, 10, 100);

But the text is not visible in the pdf

When you do this:

PdfTemplate template = contentByte.createTemplate(50,50);

You create a canvas that measures 50 user units by 50 user units. All the content that you add to this canvas will be clipped to that size.

When you do this:


You deliberately move outside the visible area of the small square with lower-left corner 0,0 and upper-right corner 50,50. Whatever you add in this area will be clipped.

You are correct when you say: the text is not visible in the pdf. If the text were visible, you would have found a bug.

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