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Maven Nexus Repository

I have a private Nexus repository set up for Maven on one PC in my LAN. I want to connect to the same Nexus repository from another PC in my LAN. How can I accomplish this?

You have to make the changes in installed Maven/conf and setting.xml file and something like below which i did for Artifactory.

          <snapshots />

FYI please check https://support.sonatype.com/entries/20943003-Configure-Maven-to-Download-from-Nexus

You need to setup the settings file: http://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference/config-maven.html#ex-maven-nexus-simple

Make sure to use the IP address/ name of the machine running Nexus instead of localhost.

AFAIK, this should work out-of-the-box: https://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference/running.html

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