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How to get text of a TextBox and send it from JavaScript to code-behind using QueryString

I know I'm asking 2 questions but I'm really stuck. I have a form for adding and updating records and when I click the Update button(my Add works fine with the pop-up), I want a pop-up to appear with the properties of the record I get from my script(ie every texbox/dropdownlist filled with the correct values).

This is my script:

function btnEditEP_Click() {
            var recID = document.getElementById('<%=tboxEdit.ClientID%>').textContent;
            //if (recID !=null) {
            //    alert("ok what now?");
            window.open("editPopupEP.aspx?Txt=" + recID, "_blank", "toolbar=yes", "resizable=yes", "scrollbars=yes");

And this is my PageLoad in editPopupEp.aspx.cs

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                int recID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Txt="]);

If I can get the record ID, populating the input fields is easy but I need/want to get the Text of the Textbox and receive it from codebehind with QueryString .

The pop-up window works and there are no errors but the recID has 0 in it and there is no such record.



In the below line you are using textContent, it is not available in IE8 or below. Are you by any chance working on IE8?

var recID = document.getElementById('<%=tboxEdit.ClientID%>').textContent;

You can try something like this otherwise:

var recID =  document.getElementById('<%=tboxEdit.ClientID%>').value;

In your page_load event, you can use the below code:

int recID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Txt"]);

Use above code if textbox will always have integer value otherwise use below code.

int recID;
if(Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["Txt"], out recID))
 //Do whatever you want to do with recID

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