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Cleaner way to filter collections in Java 7/Guava?

I have the following classes:

class ServiceSnapshot {
    List<ExchangeSnapshot> exchangeSnapshots = ...

class ExchangeSnapshot{
    Map<String, String> properties = ...

SayI have a collection of ServiceSnapshots, like so:

Collection<ServiceSnapshot> serviceSnapshots = ...

I'd like to filter the collection so that the resulting collection of ServiceSnapshots only contains ServiceSnapshots that contain ExchangeSnapshots where a property on the ExchangeSnapshots matches a given String.

I have the following untested code, just wondering is there a cleaner/more readable way to do this, using Java 7, and maybe Google Guava if necessary?

Updtae: Note also that the code sample I've provided below isn't suitable for my purposes, since I'm using iterator.remove() to filter the collection. It turns out I cannot do this as it is modifying the underlying collection , meaning subsequent calls to my method below result in fewer and fewer snashots due to previous calls removing them from the collection - this is not what I want.

    public Collection<ServiceSnapshot> getServiceSnapshotsForComponent(final String serviceId, final String componentInstanceId) {
        final Collection<ServiceSnapshot> serviceSnapshots = getServiceSnapshots(serviceId);
        final Iterator<ServiceSnapshot> serviceSnapshotIterator = serviceSnapshots.iterator();
        while (serviceSnapshotIterator.hasNext()) {
            final ServiceSnapshot serviceSnapshot = (ServiceSnapshot) serviceSnapshotIterator.next();
            final Iterator<ExchangeSnapshot> exchangeSnapshotIterator = serviceSnapshot.getExchangeSnapshots().iterator();
            while (exchangeSnapshotIterator.hasNext()) {
                final ExchangeSnapshot exchangeSnapshot = (ExchangeSnapshot) exchangeSnapshotIterator.next();
                final String foundComponentInstanceId = exchangeSnapshot.getProperties().get("ComponentInstanceId");
                if (foundComponentInstanceId == null || !foundComponentInstanceId.equals(componentInstanceId)) {
            if (serviceSnapshot.getExchangeSnapshots().isEmpty()) {
        return serviceSnapshots;

Using Guava:

Iterables.removeIf(serviceSnapshots, new Predicate<ServiceSnapshot>() {
    public boolean apply(ServiceSnapshot serviceSnapshot) {
        return !Iterables.any(serviceSnapshot.getExchangeSnapshots(), new Predicate<ExchangeSnapshot>() {
            public boolean apply(ExchangeSnapshot exchangeSnapshot) {
                String foundComponentInstanceId = exchangeSnapshot.getProperties().get("ComponentInstanceId");
                return foundComponentInstanceId != null && foundComponentInstanceId.equals(componentInstanceId);

I may have a ! missing or inverted somewhere, but the basic strategy is to remove any ServiceSnapshot objects that do not have any ExchangeSnapshot whose ID matches.

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