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Laravel auth not working using correct username/password combination

For some reason, I'm unable to login with the correct username/password combination. I'm using flash messages to show when the login information is incorrect.

I've tried creating multiple accounts to make sure I wasn't actually entering the wrong login credentials, but after about an hour of fiddling it's still not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Here's what I got.

UsersController.php (postCreate) - Function that creates my user account (working perfectly fine)

public function postCreate() {

        $rules = array(

        $input = Input::only(

        $validator = Validator::make($input, $rules);

            return Redirect::to('register')->withErrors($validator)->withInput();

        //$confirmation_code = str_random(30);

            //'comfirmation_code' => $confirmation_code

        // Mail::send('email.verify', function($message) {
        //  $message->to(Input::get('email'), Input::get('username'))
        //      ->subject('Verify your email address');
        // });

        // Flash::message('Thanks for signing up! Please check your email.');

        return Redirect::to('login')->with('message', 'Thanks for signing up! Please check your email.');

UsersController.php (postLogin) - Function that logs me into account

public function postLogin() {
        $user = array(

        if (Auth::attempt($user)){
            return Redirect::intended('account')->with('message', 'Welcome back!');
        } else {
            return Redirect::to('login')
                ->with('message', 'Your username/password was incorrect')



Route::get('login', array('as'=>'login', 'uses'=>'UsersController@getLogin'));
Route::post('login', array('before'=>'csrf', 'uses'=>'UsersController@postLogin'));

login.blade.php - My login Page

        <p>The following errors have occured:</p>

        <ul id="form-errors">
            {{ $errors->first('username', '<li>:message</li>') }}
            {{ $errors->first('password', '<li>:message</li>') }}

    @if (Session::has('message'))
        <p>{{ Session::get('message') }}</p>

    {{ Form::open(array('action'=>'login')) }}

        {{ Form::label('username', 'Username') }}<br />
        {{ Form::text('username', Input::old('username')) }}

        {{ Form::label('password', 'Password') }}<br />
        {{ Form::password('password') }}

        {{ Form::submit('Login') }}

    {{ Form::close() }}

In your

UsersController.php (postCreate) - : You are able to create using password with Hash 'password'=>Hash::make(Input::get('password')),


UsersController.php (postLogin) : You are trying to login using 'password'=>Input::get('password') So this should replace with


Also hashed passwords required 64 charactters for database field. so check that too.

I found the issue to be with the amount of characters I was allowing to be entered into the password field of the database.

I had the password column set to: $table->string('password', 32); varchar(32) which wont work because hashed passwords in laravel require at least 64 characters.

Changing the password column in my database to varchar(64) fixed the issue.

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