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Class not found

I made a research but the results was not related to my problem : I have a model whose associated table contains an underscore.


use Phalcon\Mvc\Model;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query;

class TableClient extends Model {

    public function getSource()
        return "table_client";

    function lireParCritere($critere) {

        $sSQL = "
                SELECT c.table_code,s.salle_code,s.salle_lib,c.table_lib,c.table_nb_couvert,c.table_comment 
                FROM table_client as c INNER JOIN salle s ON s.salle_code = c.salle_code
                WHERE 1 = 1 ";

        if(isset($critere["table_code"]) && $critere["table_code"] != "") {
            $sSQL .= "AND c.table_code = '" . $critere["table_code"] . "' ";    

        $query = new Query($sSQL,$this->getDI());

        $ret = $query->execute();

        return $ret;


    function ajouter($tab) {
        $champs= "";
        $value = "";
        $separateur ="";

        foreach ($tab as $k => $v){
            $champs .= $separateur . $k;
            $value .= $separateur . "'" . $v . "'";
            $separateur = ",";
        $champs = '('.$champs.')';
        $value = '('.$value.')';
        $sSQL = "
                INSERT INTO table_client $champs
                VALUES $value
        $query = new Query($sSQL,$this->getDI());
        $ret = $query->execute();

    function modifier($tab) {

        $setColumns = "";
        $separateur = "";

        foreach ($tab as $k => $v){
            if ($k == 'table_code')
            $setColumns .= $separateur . 'table_client.' . $k . " = '" . $v . "'";
            $separateur = ",";

        $sSQL = "UPDATE table_client SET ".$setColumns." WHERE table_client.table_code = '".$tab['table_code']."'";

        $query = new Query($sSQL, $this->getDI());
        $ret = $query->execute();

    function supprimer($tab) {
        $sSQL = "DELETE FROM table_client WHERE table_client.table_code = '".$tab['table_code']."'";
        $query = new Query($sSQL, $this->getDI());
        $ret = $query->execute();


Inside a controller I want to call a method of this model :

public function modifierAction($id){
        $this->view->action_form = '../modifierExec';
        $this->view->titre = 'Modification de table';
        $critere = array();
        $critere["table_code"] = $id;
        $this->view->data = TableClient::lireParCritere($critere); // here is the call of the model's method
        return $this->view->pick("table/table");

At runtime I get a class not found error ! So how to fix it ?

  1. Check class by class_exists() function
  2. Check Phalcon autoloader config. Make sure you really put in the autoloader config class/directory/namespace/
  3. You can check class availability in constroller:

     foreach (spl_autoload_functions() as $function) { foreach ($function as $object) { if (!$object instanceof \\Phalcon\\Loader) { continue; } var_dump($object->getNamespaces()); var_dump($object->getCheckedPath()); var_dump($object->getDirs()); var_dump($object->getClasses()); var_dump($object->getFoundPath()); } } die; 


  1. \\Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Query uses PHQL , not SQL. In function lireParCritere($critere) use FROM \\Fully\\Qualified\\Class\\Name instead FROM table_client
  2. For tests use $client = new TableClient; $client->lireParCritere($critere); $client = new TableClient; $client->lireParCritere($critere); instead TableClient::lireParCritere($critere);

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