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Cast unknown object to generic interface of interface (from initially explicit generic type of generic collection type of type)

Basically I got those sample classes:

public interface IHasParts<TCollectionType> : where TCollectionType : ICollection
  TCollectionType Parts { get; set; }

public class CarPart

public class Car : IHasParts<List<CarPart>>
  public List<CarPart> Parts { get; set; }

Yes, I need to use an generic interface of ICollection here, because classes that implement IHasParts need different list types of Parts based on some hard programmed conditions.

Now I get an unknown object of ie Car and I need to cast it to the highest parent that still has the Parts property available:

Car c = new Car() {
  Parts = new List<CarPart>() {
    // ...

object o = (object)c;

int partsCount = ((IHasParts<ICollection>)o).Parts.Count; // InvalidCastException

How can I do that? DotNetFiddle

This is a variance issue.

You're assuming that, because List<T> is a subtype of ICollection , then IHasParts<List<T>> must too be a subtype of IHasParts<ICollection> . It doesn't.

If you want IHasParts<A> to be a subtype of IHasParts<B> where A is a subtype of B , then you need to make IHasParts covariant in its type parameter T (using the out keyword).

public interface IHasParts<out TCollectionType> : where TCollectionType : ICollection
     TCollectionType Parts { get; }

For a type to be covariant, T can only be used in covariant positions : method return types, get-only property types and get-only indexers.

It can no longer be used in contravariant positions: method arguments, property/indexer setters.

If you define your Car class with ICollection instead of List<CarPart> , then works:

public class Car : IHasParts<ICollection>
    public ICollection Parts { get; set; }

You can still initialize your Parts with a List<CarPart>

Add an abstract class to take care of specifying the ICollection type. Declare your code something like this:

public interface IHasParts
    ICollection Parts { get; }

public abstract class HasParts<TCollectionType, TPartType> : IHasParts where TCollectionType : ICollection

    public TCollectionType Parts;

    ICollection IHasParts.Parts { get { return this.Parts; } }


public class CarPart

public class Car : HasParts<List<CarPart>, CarPart>
    protected void AddParts()
        this.Parts.Add(new CarPart());


Here is an updated version of your DotNetFiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/O3JZgc

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