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How to reload the previous view controller on back button?

I have two view controller A & B .On ViewController A i am displaying data from server.I have nav button Update to go to ViewController B .On B i can update the data which was shown on ViewController B .Now when data is updated on server i show an alert 'Update Success' on click of Ok i go to previous ViewController .But i don't see the updated data because i removed the ViewController B from stack but A is not reloded.

Code for going back to ViewController A

  [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

I assume you are sending a web call from viewDidLoad() . So in order to update your viewController A Add your web call method in viewWillAppear()

The state of your "data" on view controller A has not changed and you need to refresh it. If you're fetching data for view controller A within -viewDidLoad , try moving it to a different life cycle method like -viewWillAppear .

Remember, -viewDidLoad gets called only when the view controller loads which happens once, however -viewWillAppear gets called before it appears which will happen often if you're hopping back and forth between views.

You have to call your API method in viewWillAppear() . So, whenever you come back from any viewController, your updated server data will reload itself.

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