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Parsing XML to Python object similar to suds

Sorry if this is duplicate but I tried digging the Internet and did not really find something relevant.

I have been using suds and it is fantastic in the sense that it parses the results into objects (besides the element tree).

Now, I have a file that is pretty similar to a SOAP response (sans the envelop, etc.) and I am wondering if there is an easy way to parse it to a suds like object. The tags come with their ns. Here is a sample TAG, parsed and prettified with ElementTree :

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<ns0:substation objectID="{16A743D9-AAA3-4187-94BF-77F63E25E5A6}" verb="New" xmlns:ns0="http://www.multispeak.org/Version_3.0">
  <ns0:parentSectionID name="ROOT" noun="substation" objectID="{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"/>
  <ns0:posSeqZ r="8.60217666625977" x="32.0800704956055"/>
  <ns0:zeroSeqZ r="11.5711364746094" x="44.1044578552246"/>
  <ns0:negSeqZ r="8.60217666625977" x="32.0800704956055"/>

Aside: Is there a better way to replace the ns0 url for all tags than regex/string replacement on the original xml?

Update: Here is the (trimmed) content of file:

<MultiSpeakMsgHeader Version="3.0" AppName="XXX" AppVersion="" Company="XX" xmlns="http://www.multispeak.org/Version_3.0" SessionID="1" PreviousSessionID="1" ObjectsRemaining="0">
    <MultiSpeak documentType="dump" connectivityModel="Sectional">
        <substation objectID="{16A743D9-AAA3-4187-94BF-77F63E25E5A6}" verb="New">
            <parentSectionID name="ROOT" noun="substation" objectID="{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"/>
            <posSeqZ r="8.60217666625977" x="32.0800704956055"/>
            <zeroSeqZ r="11.5711364746094" x="44.1044578552246"/>
            <negSeqZ r="8.60217666625977" x="32.0800704956055"/>
            <name>07xx (X0X)</name>
        <transformerBank objectID="{15EF1495-4D7B-4A30-A6D5-1B5CB2314A78}" verb="New">
            <parentSectionID name="07xx (X0X)" noun="substation" objectID="{16A743D9-AAA3-4187-94BF-77F63E25E5A6}"/>
            <tertChild name="MXFMR070" noun="transformerBank" objectID="{15EF1495-4D7B-4A30-A6D5-1B5CB2314A78}"/>
                <transformer objectID="{15EF1495-4D7B-4A30-A6D5-1B5CB2314A78}-ABC">
        <ohPrimaryLine objectID="{21EC1A14-276F-48EB-8955-80C0EF921CEB}" verb="New">
                <note>LINE IS NOT HOT, JUMPERS CUT,  NO FUSES ON POLE</note>
            <parentSectionID name="ROOT" noun="substation" objectID="{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"/>
                    <conductorType>#4 ACSR 6/1</conductorType>
            <condN>#4 ACSR 6/1</condN>
        <ohPrimaryLine objectID="{69B06530-99C3-4056-8929-D6E5583911AE}" verb="New">
            <parentSectionID name="OH19244" noun="ohPrimaryLine" objectID="{21EC1A14-276F-48EB-8955-80C0EF921CEB}"/>
                    <conductorType>#4 ACSR 6/1</conductorType>
            <condN>#4 ACSR 6/1</condN>

The quickest way is to use 'lxml.objectify':

from lxml import objectify
o= objectify.fromstring(xml)

ref: http://lxml.de/objectify.html#element-access-through-object-attributes

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