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Get aria-expanded value

I didn't find a way to get aria-expanded value from DOM.

<a class="accordion-toggle collapsed" href="#collapse-One" data-parent="#accordion-1" data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false">
    <i class="fa fa-search-plus"></i>

I want to test if it's true then I can change <i> class to fa-search-minus . I tried this but I always get an undefined value:


aria-expanded is an attribute on the element, not a class, so the selector is incorrect. Secondly, you should use the attr() function to get the value of that attribute. val() is intended to retrieve the value attribute from form related elements, such as input and textarea . Try this:


I wanted to add in a second pure javascript way to get the aria-expanded attribute


The above will get the element by id after that you can get any attribute by name.

You can use JavaScript to achieve this:


Step by step explanation:

  1. Get the wanted element, by using some selector - here I use the


but you can use any other selector you like.

  1. Access the attributes array of the element and find the position of the wanted attribute - in this case that will be 4, because aria-expanded is the 5th attribute of the tag.
  2. From there you just get the value, and that should give you "false" (in this case).

The only problem with this method is that it's a bit hard-coded, so if you add some more attributes to the tag, the position in the attributes array for the aria-expanded attribute might change.


Instead of using the index for accessing the Aria Expanded property, you can use the name:


This way you will always get the value for the Area Expanded property, regardless of it's position in the HTML tag.

In 2020, I could do:


to grab the first value and maybe something like:

  .map(el => el.getAttribute('aria-expanded'))

to make an array of all aria-expanded values.

Another way to get aria values is to reference the properties directly:

For your instance, you could do something like this:

let firstAnchorTag = document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; // I don't know your situation but I recommend adding an id to this element, or making this an iterable array.
console.log(firstAnchorTag.ariaExpanded); // Should log 'false' for your example.

To get:

let el = document.getElementById('foobar');
console.log(el.ariaExpanded); // Should log the current value of aria-expanded.

To set:

let el = document.getElementById('foobar');
el.ariaExpanded = 'true';
console.log(el.ariaExpanded); // Should log 'true'.

Reference: Element.ariaExpanded MDN

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