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test-library to verify aria-expanded value as false

I have one component render a flyout as following HTML code once flyout is opened. I would like to write the test using test-library to verify the aria-expanded value is false after clicking the flyoutItem. is there any better way for me to verify the aria-expanded?

// component
        <div >
          <button aria-expanded="true" class="btn">
            Flyout button
          <div class="flyoutContainer>
            <ul class="flyoutItem" role="listbox" >
              <li aria-selected="false" class="item" role="option" >
                <div class="option" >
                    <span >Data is here</span>

// test

render(<flyout />);

const item = screen.getByText(/Data is here/, {selector: 'span'});

const flyoutButton = screen.getByRole('button', {name: 'Flyout button'});
expect(flyoutButton).toHaveAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false')

You could use getByRole() option expanded: false like this

    screen.getByRole("button", {
        name: "Flyout button",
        expanded: false,

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