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Change BackgroundColor of particular row dynamic in DataGrid in flex

I am trying to change Mx DataGridColumn background color depend on it's data dynamically but didn't get/found any solution for that.

<mx:DataGrid id="orderDG" dataProvider="{ordersList}" >
            <mx:DataGridColumn width="30" headerText="Number" dataField="no" />

            <mx:DataGridColumn width="250" headerText="fname" dataField="fname">

            <mx:DataGridColumn width="250" headerText="lname" dataField="lname">


Now, suppose i want to make row color green if fname=abc and color red if fname=xyz .

How i can change background and text color of only that row.


I will try creating custom renderer like following way.

override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
            super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

            setStyle("color", MATCH_COLOR );


But it will change color of only one cell not whole row.

Take a look at this post :

Setting background color for datagrid row in Adobe Flex

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