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Remove characters from SUBSTRING_INDEX

I'm unserialize the data below


using this quote

SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(value,';',4),':',-1) AS bookimage 
  FROM jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations 
 WHERE jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations.field_id = 17  
   AND jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations.ite m_id = 13153

the result I have is


How can I remove the " symbols ?

Try to use replace function.
For excample: REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(value,';',4),':',-1), '\\"', '')

SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(value,';',4),':',-1),'"','')  AS bookimage 
  FROM jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations 
 WHERE jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations.field_id = 17  
   AND jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations.ite m_id = 13153

I think I stack again

When I copy it on the quote I've got syntax error

// get book image
mysql_select_db($database_fsd, $fsd);
$query_wrtbkimg = "
SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(value,';',4),':',-1),'"','')  AS bookimage 
  FROM jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations 
 WHERE jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations.field_id = 17  
   AND jksid_flexicontent_fields_item_relations.ite m_id = 13153
$wrtbkimg = mysql_query($query_wrtbkimg, $fsd) or die(mysql_error());
$row_wrtbkimg = mysql_fetch_assoc($wrtbkimg);
$totalRows_wrtbkimg = mysql_num_rows($hwrtbkimg);

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