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Make a google search from chrome extension

I'm trying to write a simple chrome extension which will take input from a textbox and do a google image search and show the results in the extension's window.

I've tried using a GET form but that doesn't seem to be working at all. I'm trying to get their JSAPI (from https://developers.google.com/web-search/docs/?hl=en ) and I'm getting the error "Cannot read property 'ImageSearch' of undefined" in the console.

Google seems to want me to use their custom search engine (CSE) function but it's not a website I'm doing this from it's an extension.

Instead of using the Custom Search Engine with its builder, you can use the Custom Search API , which is a customizable extension of the Custom Search Engine.

Also, a Google Chrome extension is basically a webpage with access to additional APIs and functionality (especially limited control over the user's browsing experience).

EDIT (Dec 22, 2020): As of Oct 24, 2016 it seems like Google stopped supporting their Custom Search API linked above. Refer to the updated Programmable Search Element Control API v2 , which functions differently but should still answer the original question.

Relevant snippet demonstrating basic usage of the new API, modified from the linked page:

 <!-- Put the following javascript before the closing </head> tag and replace 123:456 with your own Programmable Search Engine ID. --> <!-- NOTE: I've replaced "123:456" with the example ID from the documentation page --> <script async src="https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=000888210889775888983:y9tkcjel090"></script> <!-- Place this tag where you want both of the search box and the search results to render --> <div class="gcse-search"></div>

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