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how to pass Image data uri from javascript to php

I have a webpage which displays a chart. I had to generate a pdf of this chart. So I wrote this code to capture the chart as an image and put inside the pdf. I used html2canvas for this which generated a data uri for the image. Now I am stuck with this uri in javascript. The pdf code is a php script which needs this uri. How do I do this ? The chart.php generates the chart and using html2canvas stores the image datatauri into localstorage.

      (function() {
         window.onload = function(){
             html2canvas(document.getElementById('chart'), {
                  "onrendered": function(canvas) {
                       var img = new Image();
                       img.onload = function() {
                           img.onload = null;
                           window.localStorage.setItem("imgURL", canvas.toDataURL("image/png"));
                       img.onerror = function() {
                           img.onerror = null;
                           if(window.console.log) {
                               window.console.log("Not loaded image from canvas.toDataURL");
                           } else {
                               //alert("Not loaded image from canvas.toDataURL");
                       img.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
       <a href="pdfGen.php" id="download" >Report</a>

This is the php script which generates the pdf using fpdf library

        /*$pdf = new FPDF();

        //over here I want to add the image from the chart.php page whose data url is now in the localstorage.
        ..more code to generate report

How do i send the such a big uri to this php script ? Trying an ajax wont work as I need to redirect to this php page. Also sending the uri along in the url wont work either as the url becomes too large and goes beyond its capacity.

In your script :


create a form in ur body with a report button and an hidden field for URL :

<form action="pdfGen.php" id="download" method="post">
<iput type="hidden" id="imageURL" name="imageURL"/>
<input type="submit" value="Report" name="submit"/>

In your php page - pdfGen.php

$imageURL = $_REQUEST['imageURL'];

Hope it helps.


  (function() {
     window.onload = function(){
         html2canvas(document.getElementById('chart'), {
              "onrendered": function(canvas) {
                   var img = new Image();
                   img.onload = function() {
                       img.onload = null;
                   img.onerror = function() {
                       img.onerror = null;
                       if(window.console.log) {
                           window.console.log("Not loaded image from canvas.toDataURL");
                       } else {
                           //alert("Not loaded image from canvas.toDataURL");
                   img.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

您也可以从BASE64 creaate文件并将其发送到服务器,想在这个岗位 (工作从IE10和所有现代浏览器)

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