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How to export a data table as different from the UI in JSF Primefaces?

I have a data table which I want to export as different from the UI.

For example, part of my data table is

<p:column sortBy="#{phi.patProtein}" width="130">
    <f:facet name="header">
        <h:outputText value="Pathogen Protein" />

    <h:outputText id="patProteinText" value="#{phi.patProtein}" />
    <p:commandLink id="patBtn" value="[+]" type="button" />
    <p:overlayPanel for="patBtn" hideEffect="fade" dynamic="true"">
        <h:outputText value="#{phi.patProteinLong}"/>

I want to export only the output text ( "#{phi.patProtein}" ) from the column, not the command link ( "[+]" ) and overlay panel. But Primefaces exports everything in column, and not gives me a chance to specify which fields of column to export.

How can I do this?

If you create two <p:column> s, one containing the <h:outputText> and the other one containing the <p:commandLink> and the <p:overlaypanel> , you can set the attribute "exportable" of the second column to false :

<p:column sortBy="#{phi.patProtein}" width="130">
    <f:facet name="header">
        <h:outputText value="Pathogen Protein" />    
    <h:outputText id="patProteinText" value="#{phi.patProtein}" />
<p:column exportable="false">   
    <p:commandLink id="patBtn" value="[+]" type="button" />
    <p:overlayPanel for="patBtn" hideEffect="fade" dynamic="true"">
       <h:outputText value="#{phi.patProteinLong}"/>

Then only the text should be exported.

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