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How can I find a path between given two nodes?

How can I find a path between given two nodes in neo4j Java API, the product of all weights of the path is maximum in all paths between two nodes, what can I do? In my graph database, there are two elements: one is node, another is relationship, and all have a name property, but the relationship have an extra property: weight (double type, and values in (0,1]). My code as follows: How do I modify?

public static ArrayList<Path> getAllOptPaths(Long startNodeId, Long endNodeId, GraphDatabaseService db){
    ArrayList<Path> optPathsBetweenTwoNodes = new ArrayList<Path>();
    try (Transaction tx = db.beginTx()){
        Node node1 = db.getNodeById(startNodeId);
        Node node2 = db.getNodeById(endNodeId);

        PathExpander<Object> pathExpander = PathExpanders.allTypesAndDirections();
        CostEvaluator<Double> costEvaluator = CommonEvaluators.doubleCostEvaluator("Cost");

        // find all paths between given two nodes
        PathFinder<WeightedPath> dijkstraPathsFinder = GraphAlgoFactory.dijkstra(pathExpander, costEvaluator);
        WeightedPath path = dijkstraPathsFinder.findSinglePath(node1, node2);


    } catch (Exception e) {
    return optPathsBetweenTwoNodes;       

Exploring paths is also possible in a cypher query. This can deliver you the result of a weighted path calculation (and thus the path with the minimum weight on it) as a result.

This webpage contains an example of a weighted path query. Also, the Neo4j reduce function will help you to specify how to calculate (and weigh) your paths.

This problem has been resolved by myself, and the method is modify the source of neo4j core JAVA API.In the process of modifying source involved some specific documents as follows:Dijkstra.java, BestFirstSelectoryFactory.java, GraphAlgoFactory.java, Path.java, WeightedPathImpl.java, WeightedPathIterator.java. If anyone is interested in the detail of modify, you can send mail to me.

Changing the codebase is not a good idea as I think. You can set the weight of the edges with key "Cost" when you set the property of the relationship (weight of the edge for example) using function setProperty().

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