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Jenkins (windows) on AWS works fine on localhost:8080, but not reachable from outside

I installed Jenkins on an AWS instance along Apache (Bitnami WAMP stack) on a windows machine

Apache works great and can be contacted under http://locahost internally and http://xxxx (my own IP) externally

Jenkins works great under http://locahost:8080 internally but does not work with http://xxxx:8080 externally

I have opened an inbound TCP rule for port 8080 on the security group on AWS

I opened the jenkins.xml config and launched it each time with following parameters


I read that i should change the $HTTP_HOST variable, but not sure where i should do that on a windows machine

This is really frustrating me

Check the windows firewall configuration on the server. Usually Windows denies external access by default. Check this for firewall configuration : http://www.codepuppet.com/2014/02/08/enabling-external-access-to-your-apache-web-server-on-windows-7/

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