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How do I write a JavaScript function to filter a URLs?

I am trying to write a function in JavaScript (or any clientside technology that is capable of it) to allow a URL to be tested against a list of URLs that are to be tracked (using Bing Conversion Tracking). I have the bases of what is required but I am unsure of how its meant to be applied.

var isCorrectPage = false;
//loop through list of URLS

isCorrectPage = true;

if (isCorrectPage) {
// enter the bespoke tracking code

I am unsure of exactly the way it checks the validity of the URL, should I then loop through a list of the selected URLs for tracking?

@ Ivan Nevostruev I want to filter some URLs that will be similar but have different page numbers, The URLs are like:

"/find-enquiry thanks.aspx?did=90"
"/find-enquiry thanks.aspx?did=38"
"/future-contact thanks.aspx" 

If the URL = true then I will attach tracking to that URL. In VB.net the contains() or a binary search could be used but with JS I am stuck.

Did you mean based on the current URL? You want something like this maybe:

function check(url, paths) {
  return !!paths.find(function (path) {
    return url.indexOf(path) !== -1;

var paths = [
  "/find-enquiry thanks.aspx?did=90",
  "/find-enquiry thanks.aspx?did=38",
  "/future-contact thanks.aspx",

if (check(window.location.href, paths)) {
  //do stuff

Note, Array.prototype.find is new and not all browsers have it so if you want what it does you might want to look at lodash/underscore _.find or just make a messy for loop that returns:

  function check(url, paths) {
    for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
      if (url.indexOf(path) !== -1) {
        return true;
    return false;

Try something like this:

    var pageUrl = window.location.href;
    var urls = ["/find-enquiry-thanks.aspx?did=62","/find-enquiry-thanks.aspx?did=90","/find-enquiry-thanks.aspx?did=38","/future-contact-thanks.aspx"];

    for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++){
        if (pageUrl.indexOf(urls[i]) > 0){
            document.write('valid url');

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