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android: gradle: how to copy a file? Issue to set a file readable, or to read it

I am blocked by a file reading in Gradle.

I try to set files readable this way in gradle:

task readAccess(type: Exec, description: 'set the google-services.json readable.') {
     //--> check can read? --> can't read
    if (new File('src/google-services.json').canRead()){
        println 'readAccess > can read'
    } else {
        println 'readAccess > cant read'
    //--> set readable. --> can't set readable
    if (new File('src/google-services.json').setReadable(true,false)) {
        println 'readAccess > access read modified'
    } else {
        println 'readAccess > access read not modified'
    //--> check can read? --> can't read
    if (new File('src/google-services.json').canRead()){
        println 'readAccess > can read'
    } else {
        println 'readAccess > cant read'

tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
    compileTask -> compileTask.dependsOn gcmReadAccess

PS: the file access is set to read & write by everyone, in the file system.

find my solution to my real problem: how to copy a file with gradle? . I was going in the wrong way.

copy {
  from 'src/'
            include '*.json'
            into '..'

You can find more details in enter link description here

This answer , even if it's not too related to my question, but helped me.

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