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Loop through multidimensional array php

I have the following array. Please ignore the syntax, because i copied it form source.

$rowData = Array

[1] = Array
        [0] = Buffalo
        [1] = Tampa Bay
        [2] = -7
        [3] = favorite
        [4] = 0
        [5] = 46

[2] = Array
        [0] = Minnesota
        [1] = Tennessee
        [2] = 3
        [3] = favorite
        [4] = 1
        [5] = 33

[3] = Array
        [0] = Green Bay
        [1] = Cincinnati
        [2] = 3
        [3] = favorite
        [4] = 1
        [5] = 33

[4] = Array
        [0] = Jacksonville
        [1] = Buffalo
        [2] = 4
        [3] = underdog
        [4] = 1
        [5] = 54


What I want to do is loop through each array and if the [4] entry is =1 perform one function on that array, and if the [4] entry is =0 perform a different function. Im not sure how to identify each one in a loop..

foreach ($rowData as $row => $tr) 
  //if [4] is equal to 1

  //if [4] is equal to 0



If you want to perform some functionality on the sub arrays of $rowData in order to get an updated version after the loop has finished you need to do this:

echo '<pre>',print_r($rowData),'</pre>';

foreach ($rowData as &$tr) // the & sign will pass the sub array $tr as a reference
  //if [4] is equal to 1
  if($tr[4] == 0)
  //if [4] is equal to 0
  elseif($tr[4] == 0)

// again you need to pass the sub array as a reference in order to make sure that the functionality you are going to apply to the $tr in the following functions will be also applied to the respective $tr of the $rowData array
execute_function1(&$tr){ .. };

execute_function2(&$tr){ .. };

echo '<pre>',print_r($rowData),'</pre>';

I used to echo statements (one before the loop and one after) so you can see how your $rowData array changes.

Try this:

foreach($rowData as $array)
    if($array[4] == 1)
       //some action
       //another ction

You can do like this, but dont't forget to test if $tr[4] exists:

    foreach ($rowData as $row => $tr) 
       //Test if the key 4 exists 
       if(isset($tr[4])) {
          //Switch value
          switch($tr[4]) {
              case 1:
                  //Do action...
              case 0:
                  //Do action...
                  //Do nothing...

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