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Dereferencing an array of struct pointers

I have declared 2 structs: point (which holds 2 doubles) and circle (which holds a point and the radius of the circle, a double).

typedef struct {
    double x;
    double y;   
} point;

typedef struct {
    point m;
    double r;
} circle;

To create a circle I use these 2 functions:

point* read_point() {
    point* p = malloc (sizeof(point));
    printf("\nx middle:");
    printf("\ny middle:");
    return p;

circle* read_circle() {
    circle* c = malloc(sizeof(circle));
    point* p = read_point();
    printf("\nradius circle:");
    c->m = *p;

In my main I declare an array of circle pointers, add one circle and then try to print out the center point and the radius. (At this point my program crashes.)

circle* array[3];
array[0] = read_circle();
print_circle(array[0]); //Crashes

This is what the print function looks like:

void print_circle(circle* c){
    point p = c->m;

read_circle不会返回c (或其他原因)。


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