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Cannot run Scala file in Intellij

I have set up a gatling project in Intellij IDEA 14.4 community edition. I have the Scala plugin installed and the project configuration seems to be correct (since I do not see and inline errors and compile works fine). However I have red in some tutorials that you can also run the current file by right clicking on it and choosing run or debug. I do not see these options and I cannot figure why:


I have tried Invalidate Caches / Restart but that did not work either...


I should have mentioned I have no experience with scala. What I am trying to do is actually run individual gatling simulations from Intellij because it is more convenient and I can also debug them. Most of the code I have is based on examples but in reality I have no idea what I am doing. So to reformulate, let's say I have the following simulation file PingSimulation.scala . Where should I add the main() function to be able to run the file individually in Intellij?

package atlas

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class PingSimulation extends Simulation {
  object Ping {
    val ping = exec(http("Ping")

  val httpConf = http.baseURL(Endpoints.testing_url)

  val scn = scenario("Ping").exec(Ping.ping)


From your screenshot there doesn't seem to be anything to run in scope. You need to have either an object that extends App or provides a def main . A class itself cannot be run.

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