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How to get an ID from TD's inside TR? jQuery

I am trying to get the element inside of the dynamically created ID, to alert. So far i've this.

  <td class="td-input">
  <input id="WILL GENERATE DYNAMICALLY IP" type="checkbox" 
   onchange="toggleSelect(this,event)" class="update-select-widget">       

    <div onclick="singleLaunch(this)"><i class="fa fa-gear"></i></div>


var nestedId = $(this).parent().parent().children(".td-input").attr("id");

there is plenty of tables with different values, ill have to showcase, i tried using .each and .map in the past but still not luck. Best Regards

this cannot be used if you are calling this using onclick attribute.

function singleLaunch(div){
    alert($(div).closest('tr').find(".td-input input").attr("id"));
function singleLaunch(x){
  var nestedId = $(x).closest("tr").find(".td-input input").attr("id");

Try this

$(document).on('click', '.td-input input', function(){

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