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How to get first td text from a tr by jquery

I want to get a text of cell in a tr row. The tr row has class attr and a data- attr. I select the tr row as

var k = $('tr[class="BatchTypesRow"][data-rowselected="true"]');


var m = k.children("td:first");    
var sBtype = m.text();    

the sBtype contains all cells' text in the row. I tried

var sBtype = m[0].text();    

that catches an exception.

So what is the problem here? If the cell is not the first cell in the row, how to do it?

Here, m itself is the first td of the row since var m = k.children("td:first");

So m.text() would not give the whole row as long as td:first is selected. If you use .children("td") then you would be getting the whole row in m.text() . So in your code,

var sBtype = m.text();    

would actually give the First cell content.

If not the first cell, you would be using var m = k.children("td"); removing the keyword first . In this case m[0] would have the first cell, m[1] second and so on.

Correct me if am wrong, I believe this is how you got the exception, using m[0].text() would throw you an exception since m[0],m[1] are not JQuery object. They are HTMLTableCellElement Object.

To use it as a JQuery object, you would have to use $(m[1]).text() .

And if you know which element to be selected wrt its sequence, you can use

var m = k.children("td:nth-child(n)"); 

where you can replace n with the number so that you will select the nth td of the row.

Hope this helps.

$('tr.selected td:first-child').text();

Firstly, select the tr within which lies the text.for which you can use the class attr


then traverse down the tree to get the td ie its children


as you need the first child ,is the first td as you traverse through the selected tr ,it can be further written as


if the text lies within a label inside the selected td


will give you the desired text .

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