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How to use JavaScript returned by AngularJS minified partials

I am minifying my angularjs application and as part of which I used gulp-ng-html2js to minify the partials, that seems really good because it convert all the html partials into a single javascript file, but then I'm not sure how to use/invoke this javascript file from my application to access the partial, I tried to find some kind of documentation but and nothing is available on the web; may be my search terms or keys aren't accurate enough. Please find the code below. Please do help me figure out this, frankly speaking I believe I'm missing something basic out there.

//gulp script for minification of html partials
gulp.task('htmlmin', function () {
    var opts = {
        empty: true,
        spare: true,
        quotes: true

            moduleName: "erentrollinternet",
            prefix: "/partials/"

// this is the resulting file
        '<div class="main"><div class="controls">


the keys used to store templates in $templateCache are the same as the url you would use if the files were still on server.

angular will look in $templateCache any time you set a templateUrl in routing, directive , ng-include etc

If that url is found in cache it will pull the html out of the cache object internally. If not found it will make a server request for the template

In short, you shouldn't have to do anything different in your module code to use them the way they are minified now.

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