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Destructuring statement in chrome/chromium 44 not being recognised

As far as I know, this is valid EcmaScript6:

let obj = {foo: "foo", bar: "bar"}; 
let {foo, bar} = obj; // <- Syntax error here

Firefox runs this code just fine, but both Google Chrome and Chromium give me this error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {

I know in firefox, scripts tags have to be flagged with "version=1.7" in the type attribute for this to work, but in Google Chrome this results in the script getting ignored. A normal script tag gives this error.

Does this mean this feature is not implemented in Google Chrome? Or am I missing something?

That's right. Currently, it isn't supported yet.


Although Chrome doesn't support some new features of ES6 (check this table to see what is already supported on different browsers), you can use a polyfill/plugins to enable certain features on Chrome. You can find polyfill and plugins on Babel . Just read through the plugins documentation and implement the ones you want.

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