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Two different .jar with same Package name and same Class name. How to get the one?

In my project I have standard java system library with rt.jar that have class.

package javax.xml;

public final class XMLConstants {

    private XMLConstants() {

    public static final String NULL_NS_URI = "";
    public static final String DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX = "";

And also included is stax-api-1.0.jar with class

package javax.xml;

public class XMLConstants {
    public static final String DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX = "";
    public static final String XML_NS_PREFIX = "xml";
    public static final String XML_NS_URI = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
    public static final String XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE = "xmlns";
    public static final String XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";

And in third class I need to get NULL_NS_URI that looks like this

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;

public myClass(){

    doSomethin() {

It gives error

NULL_NS_URI cannot be resolved or is not a field

And when I ctrl + click on XMLConstants in myClass eclipse takes me to class stax-api.jar. When I do same thing on colleague machine eclipse take him to rt.jar with no error because NULL_NS_URI is defined in that class.

Check your build class path order. If the rt.jar resides above the stax-api-1.0.jar , the problem should get resolved. Because, while compilation, the compiler looks up the jars in the build class path order.

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