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can't delete glassfish directory in docker container

Because of a known glassfish bug I tried to remove the glassfish/domains/domain1/generated folder. We are running it in a docker container and it works well but somehow I can't delete these files. rm -rf or rm -r generated/* works perfectly on my local installation. Even when I copy a new glassfish4.1 into the container I cant delete the files.

Error message:

root@d032ccb9df70:/opt/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1# rm -r generated/*
rm: cannot remove 'generated/ejb': Directory not empty
rm: cannot remove 'generated/jsp': Directory not empty
rm: cannot remove 'generated/policy': Directory not empty
rm: cannot remove 'generated/xml': Directory not empty

it seems like they are locked but I have no clue why. When I try to remove the whole glassfish, the path to the mentioned files stays untouched and the rest is removed.

似乎它是一个已知的docker-bug: https : //github.com/docker/docker/issues/1672

您可能想要查看lsof是否在容器中可用,然后获取一个特定文件并执行lsof <filename>来查看哪个进程(如果有)已锁定了那些进程。

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