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PHP mysqli_query won't execute

I'm trying to write my first basic PHP RESTful API - I managed to get it working on my local machine using MAMP. But when I uploaded to hosting server, it doesn't want to work.

Code below - I've added some ECHO's in there to make sure things are working along the way. It seems like we're all good up until the $result=mysqli_query .



    // Connect to db
    $con = mysqli_connect("HOSTNAME","USER","PASSWORD","DATABASE");

    echo "Database: ";
    // Check connection
    if ($con->connect_error) {
        die("Connection failed: " . $con->connect_error);
    echo "Connected successfully";
    echo "<br><br>";

    // Get value from url
    $bid = $_GET['bid'];
    echo "BID: ";
    echo $bid;
    echo "<br><br>";

    // Define Query
    $sql = "SELECT id, bandname, members, bio, songlist FROM bands WHERE id='$bid'";
    echo "SQL Query: ";
    echo $sql;
    echo "<br><br>";

    // Run Query
    $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
    echo "Result: ";
    echo "<br><br>";

    // Put Query result into array
    $result_array = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
    echo "Result Array: ";
    echo "<br><br>";

    // Encode array as JSON and output
    echo "JSON: ";
    echo json_encode($result_array);


The url I'm entering is http://bandsly.com/api.php?bid=1 and this is the output I'm getting in the browser...

Database: Connected successfully

BID: 1

SQL Query: SELECT id, bandname, members, bio, songlist FROM bands WHERE id='1'


Result Array: 

JSON: null

When I manually run the query SELECT id, bandname, members, bio, songlist FROM bands WHERE id='1' in the database (PHPmyadmin), it works fine and I get 1 row returned with the correct values.

The manual db query result: 在此输入图像描述

( http://i.stack.imgur.com/d3ZPJ.png )

Any help would be most appreciated!!


OK, i think i found the issue... My "successfully Connected" wasn't written correctly, and always came back looking good. It looks like after fixing that, i have db connection issues.

I'm going to go look up the db connection settings and try and fix that.

Thanks all for your help!

Your code seems to be ok on my localsystem http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/494275/c6c255cd6924d07196076b32489489de . There should be a connection problem . so you can do some try to check connection like

check the details in

 // Connect to db
    $con = mysqli_connect("HOSTNAME","USER","PASSWORD","DATABASE");

and then you can try to ping database

/* check connection */
if ($con->connect_errno) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $con->connect_error);

/* check if server is alive */
if ($con->ping()) {
    printf ("Our connection is ok!\n");
} else {
    printf ("Error: %s\n", $con->error);

Your all code is correct, I have tested in my local just change your HOSTNAME like "localhost", USER like "root", PASSWORD like "your password", DATABASE like "YOUR DATABASE NAME".

$con = mysqli_connect("HOSTNAME","USER","PASSWORD","DATABASE");

please, visit http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysqli-connect.php

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