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Turn Off Caching for fabricjs image object

I am trying to load an image using fabricjs using the function: fabric.Image.fromURL()

I want to turn off caching because when the image is updated, the fabricjs image object doesn't get updated because it gets cached.

I cannot use a random string as a dummy parameter in the url to stop caching because the url I am using contains a signature parameter and therefore if I try to add a dummy parameter I need to update the signature parameter of the url which is something I don't want to do.

I would appreciate any help. Thanks for your time!

Since version 1.7.0 fabricjs is not caching Images. This is from documentation.

objectCaching :Boolean When true , object is cached on an additional canvas. default to false for images since 1.7.0

Please check fabricjs image documentation

I know it is too late, but maybe somebody can update their library to newer one.

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