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How do I remove logs from console.log in ionic?

I wish to now build and distribute the app built with Ionic. However, re-initialising console.log() 's is not producing the desired effect.

I have tried to reinit console.log function but there are still logs in my application.

var console = {};
console.log = function(){};
window.console = console;

You could use Gulp to accomplish this.

gulp-strip-debug is a gulp plugin which strips all console.log()'s, console.info(), debugger,... statements.

Here's an example how your gulpfile.js should look like:

var gulp = require('gulp');
var stripDebug = require('gulp-strip-debug');

gulp.task('strip-debug', function () {
    // Build location folder
    // Strip stuff in these files.
    return gulp.src('src/js/*')
        // Location output of the 'stripped' files
        // In your case, this should be the same as your build destination

One way to do this is to remove the cordova console plugin before publishing.

$ cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console

reference: http://ionicframework.com/docs/guide/publishing.html

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