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Automapper Member mapping on codition SeemsConvoluted

I'm trying to find the correct way to implement this.

 return isOptionTrue? Mapper.Map<Context>(myObject) : Mapper.Map<ReplayContext>(myObject);

Context has all the fields I actually need.

public class ContextReplay: Context
    //This class is a work around to trick Automapper

Then of course the mappings

Mapper.CreateMap<myObject, Context>()
      .ForMember(x => x.Id, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.Id))
      .ForMember(x => x.Name, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.Name));
      .ForMember(x => x.Important, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.NormalProp));

Mapper.CreateMap<myObject, ContextReplay>()
      .ForMember(x => x.WellId, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.Id))
      .ForMember(x => x.Name, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.Name));
      .ForMember(x => x.Important, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.ReplayProp));

As you can see, I really want:

Mapper.CreateMap<myObject, Context>()
      .ForMember(x => x.WellId, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.Id))
      .ForMember(x => x.Name, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => y.Name));
      .ForMember(x => x.Important, opt => opt.MapFrom(y => isOptionTrue? y.NormProp: y.ReplayProp));

For questions: Yes i have an empty sublcass, becuase I cont have two unique MyObject to Context mappings. This whole thing seems like a super hacky work around. I can't imagine they really don't support something like this, but im at a loss. I have no idea how to get my bool passed along with it.

Perhaps my imagination is limited, but personally I find "auto mapping" to be of limited use, except when mapping between two "identical" classes. Wouldn't it be more straight-forward, faster, and easier to maintain the following bit of code?

var context = new Context {
    WellId = myObject.Id,
    Name = myObject.Name,
    Important = (isOptionTrue ? myObject.NormProp : myObject.ReplayProp)

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