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LINQ - GroupBy Item and filter based on two Properties

I have a list of items

var itema = new ObjX { Id = 1, MajorV = 1, MinorV = 1 };
var itemb = new ObjX { Id = 1, MajorV = 2, MinorV = 1 };
var itemc = new ObjX { Id = 1, MajorV = 3, MinorV = 0 };
var iteme = new ObjX { Id = 2, MajorV = 2, MinorV = 0 };
var itemf = new ObjX { Id = 2, MajorV = 2, MinorV = 1 };

And I want to create a linq query to return a list of unique ids which have the highest MajorV first and then the highest MinorV second

With this example the items to be returned are itemc and itemf .

I have a query of below, but does not take into account the MinorV

var filteredquery = query.GroupBy(cm => new { cm.Id })
                    .Select(grp => grp.Aggregate((max, cur) =>
                    (max == null || cur.MajorV > max.MajorV) ? cur : max));

Any thoughts?

var filteredquery = query.GroupBy(cm => cm.Id)
                .Select(gcm => gcm.OrderByDescending(cm => cm.MajorV).OrderByDescending(cm => cm.MinorV).First());

This is giving me the result you expect:-

var result = items.GroupBy(x => x.Id)
                  .Select(x => 
                     var CriteriaObj = x.OrderByDescending(z => z.MajorV)
                                        .ThenByDescending(z => z.MinorV).First();
                     return new ObjX
                                Id = x.Key,
                                MajorV = CriteriaObj.MajorV,
                                MinorV = CriteriaObj.MinorV

Working Fiddle.

Based on Dmitry Bychenko answer & Stefan Steinegger comment this query is the simplest and works:

       var filteredquery = query
                           .GroupBy(x => x.Id)
                           .Select(chunk => chunk
                               .OrderByDescending(item => item.MajorV)
                               .ThenByDescending(item => item.MinorV)

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