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jQuery pagination plugin event target

I'm using the jQuery pagination plugin seen here:


As you can see in the documentation, there is a section for "Synchronized pagination elements". I'm using this functionality to place a pagination control at the bottom and top of my content.

However, when the bottom pagination element is clicked, I want to implement some special scrolling behavior that should not occur of the top pagination element is clicked.

I thought I could just use the event argument to the onPageClick callback, however, it seems that no matter if I click the top or bottom pagination, the event always lists the top pagination as its currentTarget . Why would this be occurring even when I click the bottom pagination control? Here's a fiddle to demonstrate:



<div class="text-center">
    <ul class="sync-pagination pagination-sm pagination" id="top"></ul>
    <div id="sync-example-page-content" class="well"></div>
    <ul class="sync-pagination pagination-sm pagination" id="bottom"></ul>


    totalPages: 20,
    onPageClick: function (evt, page) {
        $('#sync-example-page-content').text('Page ' + page);

Please find a working fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/2vL4addq/

You need to workaround this behavior because the class name will get you the first entry (in your case your ID=top, never the bottom). To target the bottom, you need to do some of your own binding.

I created a function setupPaginators(), which is used during doc ready and when the page button click changes to keep the top and bottom in sync (not using the plugins default behavior).


function setupPaginators(pageNumber){ 
    // Default options for page.   
    var opts = {
        totalPages: 20,
        onPageClick: function (evt, page) {
            $('#sync-example-page-content').text('Page ' + page);
            if (($(this).attr("id") == "bottom")){
                // Put your special bottom code here.
                alert("bottom was clicked");   

    // Remove existing top.
    // Bind new top and override the startPage.
    $('#top').twbsPagination($.extend(opts, {
        startPage: pageNumber

    // Remove existing bottom.
    // Bind new bottom and override the startPage.
    $('#bottom').twbsPagination($.extend(opts, {
        startPage: pageNumber

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