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Send and not send a file using annotation Post on Jax-Rs

I´m developing a Jax-Rs service, and I have to create something with and without a file.

       public String makesomething(@FormDataParam("file") InputStream uploadedInputStream, @FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail, @FormDataParam("variable") String variable, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
        //make something

If I don´t send a file I receive an error message, saying that is necessary to send a file. How can I make this without sending a file?

André is right, something like this should work just fine (assuming when you aren't uploading a file you are just posting form data):

public String makesomething(@FormDataParam("file") InputStream uploadedInputStream, @FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail, @FormDataParam("variable") String variable, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
    makeSomethingImpl(uploadedInputStream, fileDetail, variable, request);

public String makesomething(@FormDataParam("variable") String variable, @Context HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
    makeSomethingImpl(null, null, variable, request);

private String makeSomethingImpl(final InputStream uploadedInputStream, final FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail, final String variable, final HttpServletRequest request) {
    // make something

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