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Run two scripts in a node.js script

I am trying to run two executables in a node.js "scripts" section. One of them is a node.js executable (let's call it proc1 ) , and the other is http-server for serving some static assets. These are both process that run continuously. I'd like a way to manage these together, so that they start together, and can both be stopped together. I also want to be able to see the output of the cosmos command.

I tried configuring it like this:

"scripts": {
    "build": "http-server >> /dev/null &; proc1",

But this gives out the error:

sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token ;' sh: -c: line 0: ;' sh: -c: line 0: http-server &; proc1'

I tried to find a simple node.js process management solution to run this alongside, but couldn't find an appropriate one (similar to supervisor in the Python world).

Any ideas what to do?


sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token ;' sh: -c: line 0: ;' sh: -c: line 0: http-server &; proc1'

The error is in your shell code. Change it to

"http-server >> /dev/null & proc1",

You can't end a statement with & , to run in the background, and also end it with ; .

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